Yes, we are happy to discuss your business' needs and how we can can help. You can reach us directly here.
You’ll get a response in 1-2 business days to set up time to go deeper into your needs and what we can offer. You'll then receive a formal proposal 2-3 business days following our discovery call.
We have expertise in external communications strategy and execution, leading cross-functional work with marketing and product teams, and developing spokespeople. 1055 Strategies specializes in sectors including transportation, logistics/supply chain, finance, and B2B technology/SaaS.
Our rates are dependent on the scope of your needs. During our discovery call we will provide a rough estimate and then a formal rate structure will be included in the follow-up proposal.
If you need direct support in the next 24-48 hours, please note it in the subject line of your email (e.g. "[URGENT]") and a direct number where you can be reached and we will respond ASAP to your request.